My Invisible BFF

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Archive post three: Rehab, neuropsych, & life

Originally posted on February 4, 2017 on private blog edited for

It feels like a dog's age since I last posted! 

So much is going on with me, but so little at the same time--if that makes sense.

The past 24 hours have been really good, which is a cause for celebration! {I'm always cautiously optimistic with these CCM's...such a rollercoaster!} 

So here's an update on the past month or so in an easy-to-read, skimmable, format for those of you who appreciate that sorta thing.

  1. Neuro-Vestibular Rehab
    • Rocking it!
    • PT, OT, and Speech have all been {slowly} improving AND I've met or exceeded most of my goals since October when I started
    • I didn't "pass" yet, but I'm doing more physically and mentally difficult tasks
    • I pretty much think of my therapists as my coworkers and have made a few friends with the 'regulars', like myself
    • I'm there 4 hours/week now, and doing exercises as much as I'm able
  2. Neuro-Psych Testing
    • This was a {fun? and exhausting} 4-hour-series of cognitive testing I had a few weeks back
    • At first it was like Trivia Mafia at Pizza Lucé, minus the pizza and I guess just trivia. Then a bunch of memory, fine motor, and language tests.
    • I was (am) slow, needed a few breaks, and they said there are some deficits in my right & left frontal lobes {the brainstem is more contributing to the physical deficits}--but that wasn't super new information. Probably the most interesting part was seeing it documented, which was oddly comforting...I'm not making this up--boom. This is the biggest thing I've struggled with since my diagnosis; dealing with a hidden disease is so...intense. Especially when the symptoms are so all over the place.
  3. Life
    • When I'm not rehabbing, exercising, or cocooning/feeling too crappy to do anything involving input, I've been watching a lot of HGTV which my dad describes as "weirdly addicting"...he's preaching to the choir there for sure.
    • Feeling good presently, but this last month has certainly been rough. Because I have brain healing to do, when I get stressed out or worked up about something--it knocks me on my ass. 
    • I have a lot going in the coming weeks by ways of Dr's appointments {genetic testing, another brain MRI--yay., getting my driver's license officially revoked, and meeting with my Physical Medicine doc to see how far out I am from work yet} and all the ongoing fun associated with insurance {LTD, social security, COBRA...just way too much fun for me, so I let my dad do it. He is having a blast!}
    • I have to say that my outlook overall is still good and appreciate the well-wishes from all of you! 
