My Invisible BFF

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Archive post five: Embracing my new balance (shoes & life)

Originally posted on June 12, 2017 on private blog edited for

Hello friends-

I'd tell you I've been on vacation and that's the reason for my inconsistent posts, but that's not totally the truth. 

The last few months have been all about embracing my new balance (yes, I stole that from the shoes...). That means:

  • Strategically planning my shower towards the end of the day, so I can do stuff at the beginning. FYI showers are exhausting.
  • Taking time to lay out what I'm going to wear the next day, and other tips to make life a little easier. Another exhausting/frustrating task that is way easier to do beforehand, which was also the case for me before--and also many people I know--but on a way different level. It's truly a matter of getting ready in 30 minutes (clothes laid out) to hours (clothes not laid out, mind in state of confusion--I lost a lot of decision making skills post bleed).
  • Deciding which symptom and side-effect from medication--to ease said symptom--is worse so that I can be in charge of my drug cocktails. By the way, I figured this out by tapering off my neuro meds and found them completely necessary. (In addition to anti-nausea and beta blockers, and other supplements recommended by my Naturopath Dr.)
  • Realizing that stimuli (ie-people) are much more exhausting, especially a group or things like crossing the street, than taking a walk in the Northwoods.
  • Reducing land PT and OT to a home program after 8 months. I miss the people, and the routine a lot. I continue speech until my Neuropsych test next month.
  • Starting pool therapy. O M G. It's so awesome guys. If you've faced a disability, have had surgery impairing your ability to walk, or just love being in the water--you understand how freeing it is. >>Shout out to Courage-Kenney in Golden Valley, MN.
  • Learning and embracing frustrations...and successes! Some of you know how much I love technology, it used to come so naturally to me. Now everything takes a long time. But I'm figuring out how to adapt and change things up a bit. For example instead of designing on the computer, I painted some watercolor artwork on postcards that I'm auctioning at the Art for Angioma Alliance Facebook page, Art For Angioma Alliance, for the 2nd auction ending Friday at 1 CST. I did it with my left hand because I have a hard time with coordination and grip on my now non-dominant hand.
  • Owning it. This will take some time, but I have a goal of creating a website and support group for women and men with invisible illnesses. I want to focus on the positive, funny, parts because if you can't laugh at this...then it's down the rabbit hole, and I don't want go there.

Honestly getting dressed, getting some social time, and exercise is all I can ask for in a great day. 
