Welcome to my blog! 

Just doing my best over here to chronicle my chronic condition with alliteration, humor, and a whole lot of spoons!

Archive post one: A rollercoaster ride of symptoms

Archive post one: A rollercoaster ride of symptoms

Originally posted on October 28, 2016 on private blog edited for myinvisiblebff.com.

Your gifts, flowers, chocolate, and especially words of encouragement/upliftment have been amazing. Whether you've posted on this blog, reached out through text and email, or even through a communication medium I didn't remember existed (the mail), I still can't believe what an outpouring of love and kindness continues to come my way. 

It's been a little while since I updated, so here's a rundown of the last few weeks. I'm still on a rollercoaster as far as my symptoms changing on a seemingly hourly basis. Although there are some constants: pretty much every morning I wake up nauseous and with a headache, but luckily there are meds (and natural remedies) for that. It gets worse with movement, and especially movement with a cognitive activity (like recounting my weekend, or listing things alphabetically--a PT activity), but I'm working on that. I'm going to PT and OT between 2-4 times per week, and mostly rocking a cane...yes, I cane! 

My balance isn't great, especially in a place I haven't been to post-brain bleed, so people, wide or narrow spaces, and noises are big factors. That said, it seems like I'm improving since September, like with large motor skills, but I have a little ways to go yet with fine motor skills, like writing. Thankfully--mostly for me, but also for all my loyal readership :) --typing on my laptop has been pretty gppf, err, good. Win!


Archive post two: CCM life & a third opinion

Archive post two: CCM life & a third opinion

Archive post: Rocking and rolling (on my rollator)

Archive post: Rocking and rolling (on my rollator)