Archive post: Rocking and rolling (on my rollator)
Originally posted on October 4, 2016 on private blog edited for
As some of you know, the Twin Cities Marathon is coming up this week. Random trivia, eh? Well, I won't be running it on Sunday, but I feel like I have been since last month. Every day is different, but mostly I'm still feeling rough, and still rockin' and rollin' in my rollator. I also have had some good moments too: like watching the Vikings be awesome (skol!), visiting with a few friends, and judging people looking for tiny homes on HGTV--I mean really, how did you not know how tiny a tiny home was!?
I also have been getting into a really good bedtime routine with my sound machine, essential oils (mostly lavender and vetiver), and guided meditation via Insight Timer. I fricken' love all of those, but especially those guided sleep meditations. I'm looking for podcast recommendations: funny, topical, whatever. Or any books I can get on Audible?
Things are hard, but I'm so lucky. Thank you for your thoughts/vibes/prayers/everything!